Visit to Gillman Barracks
These pictures are from a series of custom-made 'crazy' bicycles that was held there.
Bicycles were the transport of choice for Japanese and Chinese infantry units of early 20th century, a fact forgotten today. Here on occasion using the same bicycles used in those times, Acit Salbini, a trained mechanic and iconic fixture in local cycling fraternity associated with 'fixie' or single-gear cycling was invited to create offbeat yet functional bicycles. Salbiniin turn transferred the invitation to mount collaborations with local artists; The Killer Gerbil, Kilas and Plaii. Colourful and lively such as the knitted bicycles with PLaii, at other times the ghostly with Kilas, and quirky yet highly functional with The Killer Gerbil, these bicycles are made for public test rides on scheduled dates.
These pictures are all linked to my theme of being eco-friendly. Riding bicycles is definitely a better alternative than driving a car or motorcycle. If more people rode bicycles more often, it would help to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses being emitted to the atmosphere. Thus, doing our part in saving the earth, our home.
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