Fashion Forecast III

Fashion Typology
  • Gen Z
  1. Born between 1960-1980
  2. Slowly engaging in social media
  3. Makes unplanned purchases
  • Millennials
  1. Born in 1980-2000
  2. Digital Savvy
  3. Expert in social media
  4. Loyal shoppers
  • Gen Z
  1. Post millennials
  2. Millennials on steroids
  3. Experience counts more
  4. Fuss free shopping habits
  1. The Unattached; the younger millennials, spends most of their time social networking
  2. The Explorers; the younger millennials, actively seeking out for news and current events
  3. The Distracted; the older millennials, busy with work and family
  4. The Activists; the older millennials, ones to watch, racially diverse citizens


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